Jun 26, 2024 | Competitive Analysis, Concessions, Data Science, Market Surveys, Products, Research, Revenue Management
FollowFollowFollowFollow It’s a fiercely competitive rental market out there. Maximizing occupancy rates is already challenging enough, and when there’s a drop in lease numbers, reporting on why the property is struggling can be frustrating and time-consuming,... Jun 21, 2024 | Competitive Analysis, Market Surveys, Research, Revenue Management
FollowFollowFollowFollow Leasing up new properties in competitive markets is a high-stakes game, especially when confronted with inflation and uncertain market data. Revenue teams face immense pressure from stakeholders to stabilize occupancy and maximize revenue... May 31, 2024 | Competitive Analysis, Market Surveys, Products, Research, Revenue Management
FollowFollowFollowFollow Occupancy and revenue growth rely on market survey data for fact-based pricing decisions. How you conduct those market surveys makes all the difference. Manual market surveys are legal but plagued with error-prone processes and private data... May 30, 2024 | Competitive Analysis, Data Science, Operations, Products, Public Data, Research, Revenue Management
FollowFollowFollowFollow Revenue Management Software (RMS) provides optimized and agile pricing mechanics and automated workflows to increase occupancy and improve overall financial performance. Developing and enhancing these growth strategies is a delicate balance,...